The documentary “A Imagem do Brasil” proposes to analyze, in depth, the most subjective issues of Brazilian thinking in relation to its own image. Using new knowledge in the area of Semiotics, Philosophy, Arts and Sociology, we propose a new approach to old ‘myths’ of what we really are to the world and to ourselves.
Having as reference the thought about the Brazilian and its myths in the works of Machado de Assis, Gilberto Freyre, Nelson Rodrigues, Sérgio Buarque de Holanda, Milton Santos, A.J. Greimas, Jorge Coli, Michiel van Groesen, Simon Anholt, Vladimir Safatle, Rosemberg Cariry and Christian Dunker, the assessment of the Brazilian image will have a new device that allows going beyond what has been investigated so far in the recognition of our image; that we are a people that “does not know how to see itself”.
- ProAC São Paulo – Aldir Blanc Law 2020