The documentary, an integral part of the series “Contemporary Thinking” shows how the experience of the 1960s led to invention of a culture of aesthetic and moral liberation in different dimensions, the lysergic experience being one of them, from the point of view of the ideas of philosophers Michel Foucault and Gilles Deleuze. Psychoanalyst Elisabeth Roudinesco, musician Fernando Chuí and psychiatrist Hamer Palhares show how these philosophers chose to reject all forms of normalization of man and existence, studying the mad and those the periphery, while criticizing the society of control and surveillance.
Cinema Rooms
- CPFL Cultura Cinema (2012)
Pay TV
- CineBrasilTV (2017)
- Curta! (2018)
- Amazon Prime Video (2021)
- Looke (2021)
- Vivo Play (2021)