
Before the Dream Ends is a coming-of-age action-adventure drama that tells the story of Daniel, a sensitive boy raised in the Amazon Rainforest alongside anaconda snakelets, with a wild soul and pure feelings, who desperately tries to escape from a life of quasi-slavery and the horrors of the Cold War and the Araguaia War, which was taking place at the time. The twists, however, thanks to his desire to win over Heloisa, his first girlfriend, and to save Diana, a beautiful guerrilla lady, and run away with her, put him in confrontation with the army that pursues him Sworn to death and chased by the head-hunting gunslinger, Daniel will fight alone against the fire of machine guns, with John Lennon as his first inspirational idol.

Format: Fiction feature film
Genre: Action/adventure
Approximate length: 90 min.
Production: HL Filmes
Screenplay: Hermes Leal
Director: Lírio Ferreira
Cinematography: Marcelo Durst
Cast: Paulo Betti, Matheus Naschtergaele, Marina Moschen, Livian Aragão, Isabella Santoni, Giovanna Rispoli, Juan Paiva, Yasmin Gomlevsky
Distribution: O2 Play